Source code for coapthon.utils

import random
import string

__author__ = 'Giacomo Tanganelli'

[docs]def check_nocachekey(option): """ checks if an option is a NoCacheKey option or Etag :param option: :return: """ return ((option.number & 0x1E) == 0x1C) | (option.number == 4)
[docs]def check_code(code): """ checks if the response code is one of the valid ones defined in the rfc :param code: :return: """ if (65 <= code <= 69) or (128 <= code <= 134) or (code == 140) or (code == 141) or (code == 143) or ( 160 <= code <= 165): return else: raise InvalidResponseCode
""" exception used to signal an invalid response code """ class InvalidResponseCode: def __init__(self, code): self.inv_code = code
[docs]def is_uri_option(number): """ checks if the option is part of uri-path, uri-host, uri-port, uri-query :param number: :return: """ if number == 3 | number == 7 | number == 11 | number == 15: return True return False
def generate_random_token(size): return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(size))
[docs]def parse_blockwise(value): """ Parse Blockwise option. :param value: option value :return: num, m, size """ length = byte_len(value) if length == 1: num = value & 0xF0 num >>= 4 m = value & 0x08 m >>= 3 size = value & 0x07 elif length == 2: num = value & 0xFFF0 num >>= 4 m = value & 0x0008 m >>= 3 size = value & 0x0007 else: num = value & 0xFFFFF0 num >>= 4 m = value & 0x000008 m >>= 3 size = value & 0x000007 return num, int(m), pow(2, (size + 4))
[docs]def byte_len(int_type): """ Get the number of byte needed to encode the int passed. :param int_type: the int to be converted :return: the number of bits needed to encode the int passed. """ length = 0 while int_type: int_type >>= 1 length += 1 if length > 0: if length % 8 != 0: length = int(length / 8) + 1 else: length = int(length / 8) return length
def parse_uri(uri): t = uri.split("://") tmp = t[1] t = tmp.split("/", 1) tmp = t[0] path = t[1] if tmp.startswith("["): t = tmp.split("]") host = t[0][1:] port = int(t[1][1:]) else: t = tmp.split(":", 1) try: host = t[0] port = int(t[1]) except IndexError: host = tmp port = 5683 return str(host), port, path def create_logging(): # pragma: no cover with open("logging.conf", "w") as f: f.writelines("[loggers]\n") f.writelines("keys=root\n\n") f.writelines("[handlers]\n") f.writelines("keys=consoleHandler\n\n") f.writelines("[formatters]\n") f.writelines("keys=simpleFormatter\n\n") f.writelines("[logger_root]\n") f.writelines("level=DEBUG\n") f.writelines("handlers=consoleHandler\n\n") f.writelines("[handler_consoleHandler]\n") f.writelines("class=StreamHandler\n") f.writelines("level=DEBUG\n") f.writelines("formatter=simpleFormatter\n") f.writelines("args=(sys.stdout,)\n\n") f.writelines("[formatter_simpleFormatter]\n") f.writelines("format=%(asctime)s - %(threadName)-10s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s\n") f.writelines("datefmt=") class Tree(object): def __init__(self): self.tree = {} def dump(self): """ Get all the paths registered in the server. :return: registered resources. """ return self.tree.keys() def with_prefix(self, path): ret = [] for key in self.tree.keys(): if path.startswith(key): ret.append(key) if len(ret) > 0: return ret raise KeyError def with_prefix_resource(self, path): ret = [] for key, value in self.tree.iteritems(): if path.startswith(key): ret.append(value) if len(ret) > 0: return ret raise KeyError def __getitem__(self, item): return self.tree[item] def __setitem__(self, key, value): self.tree[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self.tree[key]